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Speaking in Occult Voices - Oracle Extrait Parfum 2023- Extra Virgo. HH Alex Postiglione Prince Ne Min Gy of Limbin & Michele Marin.

Writer's picture: Danu Seith-FyrDanu Seith-Fyr

Shrouded lands, deeply veiled, so necessary to traverse the everyday, to make that intentional voyage to a hallowed place. The cypress trees thicken the twilight air and part just enough for your passage, I can feel your quickened breaths, the tension of fearful anticipation in your blood, calling to my prophecies. It thrums in your veins, alternating its pace, atuning to mine, light of head your senses waver and distort, I require of you to be shifted in your orbit, to be of a different nature when you pass into my presence. Liminality cloaks us both in that in-between, a preparing of the ground where we may be in close proximity.

I ask my silent question for your thoughts alone;

 ‘Do you aspire to mediocrity,

Or do you shed your skin, ever sharpening your blade, honing it always to perfection,

Walking its pristine edge with precision, dexterity and ebullient passion.

Do you chase the mundane or soar with wings of fire.’ DsF

To ask of me, to journey to my feet, it is necessary to heed my advices, to make them a force of action and to not idly let my words splutter and die on the sun baked earth.

‘Do I not find you wanting, here before me in your corrupt state'

‘Do you not bend to my purity, as if it where a last known breath, leaning in to catch the strains of my whisperings as they escape you to copulate with the four winds.’

You, who will burnish every treasured syllabule you retrieve, for mortals are never privy to the totality, they could not bear it, its purity and intensity, glean what you may and polish each breath, each sigh, each half-uttered word, each silent scream that reaches their ears in sophorific certainity.

Luminosity blinds, of necessity for robbing you of sight is my first action to limit your dependance on these senses and elevate others, more refined and often neglected. To verily see is an obstacle here. My mists suffice, the fumes shrouding my form from your intrusion, the offerings of incense shielding me from a profane gaze as I open myriad universes at your behest. It is not necessary for me to be beheld, I have utterances, cyptic and puzzling yet within their labyrinth is what you seek. I am the messenger, it is for you to discern and interpret.

Step aside from yourself, allow me to enter, there is an uncommon ground where we shall encounter, the place between worlds that is accessible to us both.

Truth in droplets descend into the fertile soil of your human soul, entwining life sprouts from the earth beneath my feet, for my pronounciations are prophetic and fecund, they reach out to you, coiling upwards, a layer of dynamic life upon your form, in endless rotation, budding, flourishing, aging and decaying to dust only to re-emerge in continuum, an endless pulse. Dust of ages at your feet,merging in form.

I come and go in the flux of revealing moments, dissolving you in the aromas of resins, white viscosity that swallows air. Garland swathes of herbs emit their essences, the dancing daimons to deceive your basic senses, undoes you, as receptive as the moment of your birth. An extrasensory void that engages the worlds within worlds, come closer, closer….

And my words, curious, unformed noise, language unknown yet understood fall like silent embers to you from my perpetual fires or engulf you in my roarings, that could sunder you into a thousand particles.

Oracle, bottled in this liquidinous state induces a step towards beauty in its purest form and absolute truth. beyond its components it is to pass beyond the everyday. Extra Virgo creates a sorcery in the worlds of perfumery, with highest quality components and an integrity of composition that gives us intense discoveries, beyond our sense capacity, expanding our horizons and touching upon our intimate, often unknown selves.

My thanks as always to both HH Alex Postiglione and Michele Marin for the priviledge and for my sample given at Pitti Fragranze, Firenze. To our continued friendship and liasion.O

Extra Virgo and Oracle Extrait Parfum may be found here-

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Danu Seith-Fyr

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