If and when we ever allow ourselves , it is written clearly in the tiniest of moments, stilled against the passage of time, yielding a revelation, a glimpse of the understanding of the truest secrets held within the coccon of life.
meo fusciuni ( Guiseppe Imprezzabile) has crafted a veritable ode to love in liquid form, he is the master of distilled emotion.
‘a trip to Laos that made me understand the Timeless Love between two people, giving life to my desire to tell you about this journey. In a place where time is a state of mind, where everything is lost in the smile. Like a slow black and white movie, like certain moments in life. That tea seemed to never end, while the small Osmanthus flower floated among the whirlpools of the cup. It was just love, and we would have wanted more time to live that moment of our life, sitting on the terrace of a historic colonial house in Luang Prabang. From there, the gaze lost on the river.’ Extract of the travel diary of meo fusciuni
Encore du Temps is the second creation from The Timeless Trilogy. In this perfume meo has indeed mastered the ‘stilling’ of time. Inspired by the moments that revealed themselves during a voyage in a distant land, Laos, unknown to both Meo and Federica. Similar sensations open up to us when we travel afar, each moment of life is slowed in its expression, divulging its secrets, all appears new and has an intensity of sensation, love captures us in the same inticements .
Meo dedicated the creation of Encore du Temps to his beloved in all things, Federica.
It is often said that the greatest luxury is Time, in fact our great luxury is actually ‘Timelessness’, trailing in its wake, perceptions and comprehension of our very nature. Time passes, often so very fast and moments are eclipsed one upon the other, etching upon us, marking a map out in fine lines, meanderings as richly wrought as any tapestry, Love as threads of gold within our matrix. We see the beloved in all landscapes, each glance a passing cloud cleared from brightening skies, each touch sent out within us as the lapping of a river upon its banks, delicately carving its form, each proffered word in a shaft of sunlight to lightly touch earth. Will a thousand God’s tremble as your fingertips brush mine in tender gesture akin to a petals softfall. Encore du Temps is written through with all these subdued tones, hushed in the capture of your eyes.
Bergamot and Green tea offer the respite, time to reflect and appreciate without haste, to become a hedonist of the complete nothingness.
Sheerest delicacy of airs laced with sacred Champaca in a harmony with Osmanthus and Magnolia reveals to us the land of Laos through meo’s sight, each step placed upon her in a conscious reverence. The potency of nature infused in all the subtle gestures between lovers. Steps traced in love, shaped under moments shared, love moulds the form as a potter draws out from the heavy clay a vessel of enduring beauty. All experience is sweetened by the arresting of time that love bestows, time is sundered, arid and powerless in the face of this tender force.
In Encore du Temps we are following in meo’s footsteps, placing our feet within his invisible indentations upon the flesh of Laos, allowed a brief glimpse of the threads that draw him and Federica together, it is an intimate distillation indeed. Love and travel both gift to us a headiness, an opportunity to be unfamiliar with ourselves, with what we see and feel. Here is a voyage within a voyage.
Meditative in its expression, Encore du Temps is tenderness cradling time to its breast, stilling its trembling headlong dash in a pause rendered poignant and with a translucent beauty. It is a paradox defined, where all the world except the two lovers ceases to exist and at the same moment yet the world outside them exists as never before, clearer and more illumined. To voyage in unknown places is true of both travel and love, asking of us the same thing, urging us to surrender, to fall in love or to fall into the land, to merge with the other and to embrace the unknown. Encore du Temps is the essence of surrender to them both.
A love dedication, a few petals fallen in a cup of tea, a transparent light, a hope, this is Encore du temps - an instant of joy, of emotion each one of us would like to keep alive, forever. meo fusciuni
Green Tea, Bergamot and Mandarin Orange; middle notes are Osmanthus, Magnolia and Champaca; base notes are Mate, Sandalwood and Benzoin.
As always I am grateful to call meo and Federica dear and precious friends, sample was gifted to me by them, thank you for your trust.
Encore du Temps and all the creations of meo can be found here -
facebook - https://www.facebook.com/meofusciuniparfum/